Thursday 31 January 2019

January 29, 2019 - Surgery for Endometriosis

The day started off very, very early and I had to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m., but I didn't actually get registered until closer to 7 a.m. Once I was registered, I went up to the Day Surgery unit and was eventually given my own little rest cubicle. I put on a gown, got into bed, and they had a HORRIBLE time starting an IV because my veins are trashy and eventually decided to let the anesthesiologist take care of it in pre-op. A nurse also got to shave parts where incisions would be made, which was on different parts of the stomach, and I got uneasy because I am not used to strangers touching me on the stomach or anything like that. I got sent off to pre-op very quickly (around 8:30 a.m.)and I was put on this skinny operating bed and the anesthesiologist did get an IV started! I don't remember much after that...

THIS...this is a photo of inside of me and a sample of what they took out!

It looks like a spider egg sac, doesn't it? These little buggers were why I was in so much pain all the time even doing simple things. I don't know how many of these things were removed, but there were four incisions when the surgery was over and I am now sporting an IUD to help me with issues. I don't know where the endo was, but I have it and this is confirmation that I was not faking it. I got nasty messages from people who thought I was faking it and this confirms that they are nothing but idiots! I hope these things don't grow back, as they look very frightening.

Anyway, the next thing I know, I'm in post-op and I choose to roll on to my side because it's more comfortable for me than laying flat. By the time they take me back to my cubicle, I need to use the bathroom and manage to do so without assistance. I was released in the early afternoon and went straight to bed because I was tired and just wanted to sleep.

Friday 11 January 2019

January 10, 2019 - Health Update

Health update for all those who are interested: As far as I know now, I will be having surgery for endometriosis on January 29 and the plan is a D&C, excision, and scope of both pelvis and stomach, and insertion of IUD. If it's crappy in there, though, I may just tell them to remove what is bad and leave the rest.